Saturday, 16 July 2011

Happy with what you have to be happy with...

It is almost impossible to come to appreciate, in every moment of our life, what we already possess without being a practicing Buddhist or Franciscan. 
The (simple?) trick shold just being focussed on the "here and now", to be present, alert and aware. This is enough to appreciate the inestimable value of every single moment, simply because of its uniqueness. 
Easy to say, less to put into practice
if you do not allow a small commitment to work on yourself, being all of us grown up programmed to anxiously seeking for existential anxiolytics, to accepting as inevitable to be overwhelmed by worries, most of which, if we only would stop for a moment and breath and think, I'm not sure we should allow them to affect our good mood.

Of course we all know, money is more than just a medium of exchange or payment, it's a measurement which does not belong only to the economic sphere of life but also a means of sublimation of frustrated ambitions, of a need for affection, of poor self-esteem, of social revenge.
And the cynicism of some marketing techniques tends to take advantage of these weaknesses, of the ephemeral pleasure that money can buy (from time to time it may be a plasma TV, a new GPS device, a new smartphone with a built-in washing machine), simply relying on the deep psychological needs, so common, widespread and recurrent, and further increasing the size of what we "should" consider "necessary" not to feel rejected by our own world.

In my blog we will deepen the reflections outlined above to address the obvious, immutable, and difficult to circumvent law according to which our demand for money depends on our needs.
Our needs are, in turn, according to our purchasing power.
And the purchasing power is expressed by the amount of money available to us at any given time (money that, if we do not have at present, can be borrowed, sure!).

When there's a gap between purchasing power and needs, there are 3 only solutions:

  1. reducing costs
  2. increasing revenues
  3. borrowing money (which just means to delay the solution 1. plus interest)
Being everything easy as it is,  why does money generates so much worries? :-)

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