Monday, 28 November 2011

Autopilots and habits

We have to deal with our inner resistance every time we decide to introduce smaller or bigger changes in our lives (i.e. when we decide to use a personal finance software to discover where and how the hell is our money gone, since we were sure it should have been smiling to us happily from our checking account).

Luckily enough, we can rely on our ability to create habits.
Routines always come to help to simplify our lives, to alleviate an effort of will power that is truly insurmountable for some.

There are also some software, often free or donateware or inexpensive, that help to achieve more effective and comfortable control over our will power on controlling our finances.

Making a weekly stock of their personal financial situation and of their financial transactions is the most obvious thing in the world for some. For others, however, it is something inconceivable, impossible to carry on for more than the first week, just before being overwhelmed by things far more important and urgent :-).

As with all things, if we manage to create a habit, a routine, everything becomes easy and natural as when we train regularly or when we follow a diet. We don't have to make any extra effort, we just put the autopilot...

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