About this blog

On this blog I'd like to share some experiences and reflections on corporate financial management and, inevitably, on personal finance, expecially for self-employed.
Reaching the '"financial independence" is not pursuing an abstract concept of "wealth", but a level of wealth, a cash flow such that money no longer poses a central question in life.

In many years of activity it has been more and more evident the common thread that binds money, time and our ability to concentrate. And not successfully paths are almost always connotated by a lack of sense of pursuing and of time. Lack of focussing, in other words.

Achieving financial independence depends on our ability to CONCENTRATE on a few, clear and well defined objectives, well aware of the not infinite time we have been given.
Without concentrating our energies are dispersed in a thousand streams and end up in bringing water to other people's goals and agendas.
It's a universal law: if you do not manage your time and your money there'll be someone who will manage them for you.
Paolo Battaglia

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